My closet is full of history. You can trace some of the items back to high school. I love shopping. Most of all, I love bargain shopping. I would buy things just because they’re cheap and hope that someday I will eventually put them to use. This habit of mine has brought forth an overwhelming amount of articles in not only my closet, but in my entire house. The thing about most clearance items is that even though you may soon realize that you truly have no use for them, you can’t return them.
Yesterday evening, a good friend of mine stopped by to clean and organize my closet. While cleaning my closet we had to get rid of a lot of items. This was such a painful process. But in doing this I realized a lot about myself. I have a serious problem of letting things go. I was finding sentimental value in items that were completely outdated. I kept rationalizing at some point I may need them again or maybe they’ll come back in style. I noticed I am like this in my personal life as well. I have a hard time letting people go. But God was showing me that letting them go doesn’t mean that they are no longer of value but that they actually will be a greater blessing to someone else.
Another thing that God revealed to me in this process is that I have a tendency to sell myself short. My closet is full of discounted items. They are things that I really don’t like but purchased because they were on sale. God revealed to me that I often devalue myself. I have a tendency to sell myself at a discount just as I often purchase at a discount. Who you are is not only determined by what you take in but it is also shown in what you put out. Selling myself short has left me with a lot of discounted experiences in life. He showed me that how I sell myself to others is
based on how I value myself. So if I feel cheated in some areas, 9 times out of 10, I placed that price tag on myself. I have to be ok with someone saying that purchase is not worth the price. I have to be ok with not being desired or liked by everyone. And I have to appreciate the people who have recognized my value and see me as priceless.
In this closet revelation, I am empowered to clean my closet even more. Moving forward, I only want pieces that I absolutely love and if the items happen to be on sale; that’s even better. It’s better to be clutter free with a few valuable pieces than to be overwhelmed by cheapness. #CleanHouse #ComingOut