Tabitha's TEA Party where the TEA stands for Teach, Empower, and Apply. We are a 501 (c) (3) Faith Based, Non-Profit organization. Tabitha’s TEA Party is committed to helping women and girls rise from dead places.
Our mission is to empower women to Get Up, Stay Up, and Lead by Faith. We believe that by doing this we will positively impact the community.
Signature Programs include Tea Parties, TEAnagers, and Conferences.
We gather together in fun ways like our Virtual TEA parties, Holi-TEA Parties and more. Get connected to join in!
The purpose of Tabitha's TEA Party is to empower women and teens to rise from dead places. We are women who Get Up and by Faith we work hard to Stay Up. The name Tabitha's TEA Party was inspired by Tabitha, the female disciple referenced in Acts 9:36-41. Tabitha was known for doing good, helping the poor, and rising from death. This is where you'll see our core goals.
Tabitha has three goals:
1.) Do good and help the poor.
2.) Promote female discipleship.
3.) Empower women and teens to rise from dead places.
We accomplish our goals through our monthly bible studies, outreach initiatives, private TEA parties, and annual conferences.

Writer. Speaker. Creative Leader.
Ebony King from Dallas, Texas, is a creative with a personal mission to light, love, and lead. A woman of many talents, Ebony is known to ingeniously transform the way people approach faith and business. She does this through her faith based non-profit organization, Tabitha's Tea Party and her consulting company, Think King Consulting.
Ebony is a wife and mother to two beautiful daughters and her son.
Tabitha's TEA Party started in the media room of Ebony King on January of 2015. For a year she hosted bible studies on Saturday nights over a cup of TEA. The bible studies continued to grow month by month and on January 23. 2016 she hosted the first official Tabitha's TEA Party at NYLO Hotel in Plano, Texas.
The bible studies follow the format of TEAch, Empower, Apply. Ebony leads the teaching component, another speaker is brought in for Empowerment, and the tea party concludes with Application.
Since the first TEA Party of January 2016, the organization has expanded by leaps and bounds:
Host monthly TEA Parties
Partner with other non-profits to serve the community
Produced an Emmy Nominated Documentary
Registered as 501(c)(3)
Featured in CEO Mom Magazine
Featured on Heaven 97KHVN
Launched Tabitha's TEAnagers
Host Weekly Prayer & Devotional Call
Published Women's Devotional
Launched Signature TEAcup Line
Tabitha's Tea Party has expanded into two chapters!

Girl, Get Up - Girl, Stay Up!
A major component of our mission is to empower women to rise from dead places. In 2018 we produced our first documentary: Girl, Get Up! This documentary was created as a beacon of light for women who feel hopeless or dead on the inside. We believe that with God we can all GET UP!
The documentary was later nominated for a Lonestar Emmy. Please watch and share for anyone who needs inspiration to Get Up!
Watch Documentary