When you begin to know God in an extraordinary way it brings out the extraordinary in you. At our TEA Party on Saturday we discussed how Peter was inspired to walk on water after witnessing Jesus do it (Matthew 14:25-32). Peter’s inspiration was charged by being in close proximity of God.
Extraordinary is defined as going beyond what is usual ordinary. This means that everyone’s extraordinary is different. What’s unusual for me may not be unusual for you. Teaching for me is no longer unusual because I’ve been doing it for years now. However, for someone who has never done it, speaking/teaching could be extremely frightening.
Initially the disciples were frightened by Jesus walking on water—they thought he was a ghost. How many times have you thought the worst about something that was actually a great opportunity for you?! Knowing God in an extraordinary way shifts your intimidation to expectation. After realizing that it was the Lord, Peter now had an expectation to walk on water too.
I want you to find something that you desire to do and at the same time afraid to do. Go to that place because that is where your extraordinary happens. Draw closer to God in that area and move by faith. Watch God make what was once extraordinary become ordinary in your life.
Speaking of knowing God in an extraordinary way, I wanted you to be amongst the first to know that I published my first book, Black Wings Still Fly! Black Wings Still Fly is a poetic journey to restoration. It is designed for anyone who has ever felt like their adversity was too heavy for them to rise. I have always loved to read and write poetry and wanted my first solo project to show you more of ME. I am very vulnerable in this book but it is with hopes that my transparency will help you transform.
Pre-orders are limited so please order your signed copy today and join me at the virtual book release on 12/12/2020. I will be announcing this publicly but I had to share it with my sisters first. At Tabitha’s TEA Party we exist to empower women to get up, stay up, and lead by faith. I can’t encourage you all to go any further than I am willing to travel.
I hope you grab my book and join the #FlightClub. Most importantly, I hope you feel more inspired to do something extraordinary too! Let me know.
Register for my virtual book release and pre-order your signed copy here. Subscribe to my website to follow more of my solo projects here.
Last but not least, we announced our new series for next year! Get ready to PROSPER!!! More details to follow. ;-)
Love, Peace, and TEA!
Ebony King
Founder/ Lead Teacher
Tabitha’s TEA Party