YOU WON'T BREAK MY SOUL: The Audacity to Smile
Ebony King
I understand why people struggle with their Faith. For many, the Bible has been more of a source to enforce power than it has been to empower. My goal is to help people feel empowered by the Word of God. To help them see their own stories paralleled in scripture. I am not a bible expert but as Maya Angelou said, “when you learn, teach”.
This is why I TEA.
TabithasTeaPartyDevotionals & Blog
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Teach. Empower. Apply.
We host Faith-based empowerment workshops in the form of TEA Parties to help women get up, stay up, and lead by Faith. The TEA Parties are exclusively for women who want to grow in their Faith while building community.
Tabitha’s TEAnagers is our avenue to empower teen girls for life after high school through Teen TEA Parties. The Teen Tea Parties consist of social, emotional, and educational wellness workshops and activities to help our girls to be focused, faithful, & fearless.
Annual Conference
Our annual conferences bring women together from all backgrounds to position them in their relationships, health, finances, businesses, and most importantly soul.